Sunday, December 13, 2015

In Memory of My beloved Dad

For The Memory of My beloved Dad Abdallah

After eight long years without you,
If I only had few minutes the day you passed away, eight years ago,
I would have had an occasion to say all the things I wanted to tell.
I never got the time to tell you how much you mean to me,
And that you are the best Father, better than any man could be.
I still remember our last conversation, and the last time that we talked about life,
I wish I would have known that you are the next in the list to meet with God.
I would have said I love you, I love you, I love you and kept you on the phone.
If I only had few minutes, the morning you passed away, eight years ago,
I'd give you one last big hug so tight and see another time your wonderful smile.
I'd tell you that you were and you still my leader and my source of inspiration.
If I was close to you eight year ago, the day you passed away,
I'd kiss your cheek and take your hand and tell you it's okay to go.
And tell you that I'll miss you very much, more than you'll ever know.
But you were gone so quickly, without a chance to make a phone call.
you were standing at heaven’s gate. Now God has called upon you,
It's time to get free and leave this life behind you,
It's time to enjoy all of heavens beautiful things.
For sure one day I will come to you, so wait for me in heaven Dady,
Don't let me come alone the day the angels come to free my soul,
Please be there to bring me home, because I miss you.

Dedicated to my dad Abdallah Hrichi - died 8-12-07

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